Sunday, May 31, 2009
Doubles, so many things seem to be happening in twos.Went to wan fengs house and stayed over from yesterday, thx alot feng!!=D esp for protecting my sanity with mad people around. in between the stay we made various trips up and down plaza and ang mo kio hub. more or less the same old things/ events haha=D except with every one going sian and emo at some point or another. getting envious of feng what with his imba lag free com haha =D tired and lazy to fill in details so will blog nxt time instead=D
Friday, May 29, 2009
GP paper was a mess , hope i dont fuck it up. Questions were harder than i thought pretty random, with only 2 questions in our notes covered which were purposely set to insane difficulty. Had chem extra lesson after that which was just a bore... nothing but hess's law over and over again just felt like sleeping. no wonder practically half the class ponned it. After that wayne and i went to roy's house for project work =D had to walk in the insane sun and heat to get to his house from the mrt, nearly melted. Upon reaching roy's house immediately, all our attention was diverted to his cat and all project work was forgotten. spent alot more time slacking and playing with the cat instead of project work. Had a great time there, and finally confirmed that roy has a life outside work=D will upload some pics of the cat if i can get from roy!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Oddly enough... i suddenly feel morbidly grateful for all sorts of "bad" past events... it certainly has improved my perception of things. All the past experiences the people who supported me and the situations have certainly made me able to see clearly now, break it down. I used to wish that such things never happened but its a part of me and upon looking back, the past madness has certainly helped me in going through current ones!
ps sry if you some of you all dont understand a word
ps sry if you some of you all dont understand a word
LOGIC –noun
1. the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference.
2. a particular method of reasoning or argumentation: We were unable to follow his logic.
3. the system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study.
4. reason or sound judgment, as in utterances or actions: There wasn't much logic in her move.
5. convincing forcefulness; inexorable truth or persuasiveness: the irresistible logic of the facts.
Copied these definitions from . Haix it certainly seems that this is lacking in many people now adays... Dont you people know how much problems it causes??? or is it cause you people just cant reason?? Perhaps maybe chess will help?? Please at least try, not refering to a specific person here but the countless people who display a lack of thereoff( not trying to insult anybody please think LOGICALLY before talking nonsense. any issues can take it up with me and i will sound you out logically thx).
Couldnt sleep till 2:40 am today even though i was on the bed since 10+ pm... these periods of time where i cant get to sleep just sucks. Not only does it result in a dead brain the next day, it gives me so much to time to think .... like why cant this be better? or that? lessons learnt??? what can be improved? How to talk or deal with certain siturations? This is so like project work man, except it can be so much more important ....
Wake up feeling dead and goes for school. Pretty much the usual except i pon PE as i was just to tired to go on. Went out to ang mo kio and had a great dinner at astons with joseph and nicholas. Talked about all sorts of various issues so that every one could let out their steam. Surprising how just a little get together like that can be so enjoyable, some prople just dont see that... how sadTT
oh well GP midyears tomorrow, hope i get a question i can do.
1. the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference.
2. a particular method of reasoning or argumentation: We were unable to follow his logic.
3. the system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study.
4. reason or sound judgment, as in utterances or actions: There wasn't much logic in her move.
5. convincing forcefulness; inexorable truth or persuasiveness: the irresistible logic of the facts.
Copied these definitions from . Haix it certainly seems that this is lacking in many people now adays... Dont you people know how much problems it causes??? or is it cause you people just cant reason?? Perhaps maybe chess will help?? Please at least try, not refering to a specific person here but the countless people who display a lack of thereoff( not trying to insult anybody please think LOGICALLY before talking nonsense. any issues can take it up with me and i will sound you out logically thx).
Couldnt sleep till 2:40 am today even though i was on the bed since 10+ pm... these periods of time where i cant get to sleep just sucks. Not only does it result in a dead brain the next day, it gives me so much to time to think .... like why cant this be better? or that? lessons learnt??? what can be improved? How to talk or deal with certain siturations? This is so like project work man, except it can be so much more important ....
Wake up feeling dead and goes for school. Pretty much the usual except i pon PE as i was just to tired to go on. Went out to ang mo kio and had a great dinner at astons with joseph and nicholas. Talked about all sorts of various issues so that every one could let out their steam. Surprising how just a little get together like that can be so enjoyable, some prople just dont see that... how sadTT
oh well GP midyears tomorrow, hope i get a question i can do.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Once again....
First class... what is the point of ensuring that i went to school the whole week last week when i was just going to make it up by diededing today and yesterday?=.=
stupid pw kept me up till 1 + and then chatted till 2:30 before sleeping. Told dad to die die wake me up and get me out of house. he did well got me till i was tying shoelace then he went in the room. that was when i toppled on the sofa and died... at 9am AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH MEEEEOW AHHHH!!! then he ushered me to the room where i died further.Woke up in the late afternoon... sry didnt mean to abandon you guys to pw. Anyway went to zoe's house with wan feng. Nearly cracked up when feng reminded me about cook scrambled eggs. THERES NO GAS IN THIS FKING HSE. then after we went to Ang mo kio to eat. midyears are in 2 days for gp... hopeing for a question i could write.
stupid pw kept me up till 1 + and then chatted till 2:30 before sleeping. Told dad to die die wake me up and get me out of house. he did well got me till i was tying shoelace then he went in the room. that was when i toppled on the sofa and died... at 9am AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH MEEEEOW AHHHH!!! then he ushered me to the room where i died further.Woke up in the late afternoon... sry didnt mean to abandon you guys to pw. Anyway went to zoe's house with wan feng. Nearly cracked up when feng reminded me about cook scrambled eggs. THERES NO GAS IN THIS FKING HSE. then after we went to Ang mo kio to eat. midyears are in 2 days for gp... hopeing for a question i could write.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Once again, by the magical mystical means i freaking couldnt wake up again.... woke up went to wan feng's house today=D Had a great day. Started ge again also but not going all serious about it alrd... getting addicted to coca cola too, better control my selfXD
Monday, May 25, 2009
All but invisible with speed...
The way time is messing around with me now... i seriously expected it to be alot slower! even after school , an errant thought came to my mind, "school is over so fast? why isn't it longer?" how could i even think of such a thing? i should be happy its over but strangely enough.... well today is also the last day ms pauline wong is as our econs teacher... why are the epic teachers all gone TT
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Too short, the weekends are far too short. These weekends are what little free time I have. " WEEKENDS ARE NOT FOR YOU TO ENJOY" ... if so then there nth left to life. Went to the library for project work today with roy and wayne. took me 20 mins to comb the library for Roy... Then after spent some time discussing only to find that there is no suitable platform for doing it and just discussed some of the major points followed by me going to wayne's house. OH that dreaded chua chu kang mrt again.... i thought i didnt have to see it till tomorrow TT. Spent a long time on GPP making use all so stressed out then i didnt even do my homework after that. The L4D didnt work on waynes com either and wayne for some odd reason decided to try to play gunbound which we didnt touch in days and just got simply pawned... Then after went to Ang Mo Kio and met up with zoe and wan feng. played some kof and time crisis before going home... my work still left undone... sigh~
Guess it finally caught up with me today... had a great time with Isaac Shaun and Joseph today.. at least at first. Had a great dinner at some place at Dhoby Mrt which had free flow of drinks and ice cream. Found out that my patapon 2 save data somehow corrupted as well just like the bleach heat the soul 6... guess i gotta replay it as well. Played KOF:MIRA most of the day, then went to L4D. What a mistake... shaun was sitting seperately from us, did not listen/ and /or even try to coordinate till everyone got pissed and wasted our lan time. THAT RETARD BLEW THE HELL OUT OF US. zzz thats when i started to get really sian and went to plaza kof to really srsly hammer it out... sry for making you stay so long joseph! Felt really tired after that and i dont think i am still gonna slp early gosh... have to wake up at some early hour tomorrow for project work as well... Nooo and we aren't going roy's house no cat TT
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Shortly after waking up, ICHAK(iz/isaac poh/mimimi/ midget/meeeegit[ex midget]) calls me up and goes can we cancel going out today? After gleefully forcing me to remake my schedule and to go out all he just TRYS cancels like that due to the fact he is lazy zzzz. Freaking got pissed and forced him out lol. Shortly after, the immature childish ****** goes ahead and starts arguing over foodprints and retarded things once again... practically went up to them and told them to shut it. They stare stunned and went into the room..... looks like i need abit more control once agn, going to start losing it the rate things are going.There goes iz being cuckoo agn. while i am on the topic of flames, SHAUN ONG THE BGM DOES NOT SUCK AND JIN SHA IS THE NOOB SHIT INSTEAD SHE IS SCREECHIER AND MORE HORRIBLE THAN ICHAK(iz/isaac poh/mimimi/ midget/meeeegit[ex midget]) Off to bugis with iz and others=D
Friday, May 22, 2009
R & D
Seriously need some more R & D, not research and development but Resolve and Determination!! Its amazing how i had the R & D to go to school everyday of the week. Have been absent at least once a wk for the past 6 wks.... Amazing the the bio teacher actually woke me up when i had a NAP attack in her class 1st time that happened, she usually doesnt care if the whole class sleeps. Got more bad news today, found out that yet another great teacher will be leaving once more... Ms Pauline Wong our econs teacher. Though she does make some pretty mean comments, she is a great teacher. 1st TTWL( Mrs tay tan wan ling) and now Ms FEVER zzz. At least TTWL will be back. Ms Chew isnt that bad a teacher after all but TTWL is in a totally different league. Hope our new econs teacher will be someone good like Mr Chew. Had a great time at Plaza Kof today with joseph and nicholas=D thx for making a great ending to my day=D Time to stay up to some ungodly hour....
Thursday, May 21, 2009
How time flashes by now a days. The uber long thursday i have been dreading just flashed by before i knew it. Had a cool PE in the rain playing baseball haha=D looks like 1/2 the class going to pon tmr saying their sick due to rain.Seems like the older you grow the faster time passes. In fact tomorrow seems more terrible what with the 2and a 1/2 hr of chem , 2 chem tests and 2 econs essay for tomorrow! Gratz to those who finish their mid years, hope you all do well, mine is starting nxt fri for H1 subjects. Going out with joseph and nicholas tomorrow to celebrate end of their mid years=D Thanks you 2 for helping me with blog skin!=D Just realised i got a lot of books to read, but i dont have time to go kino and school library dont have those books YY. Soon it will be back to reality, gotta finish up the essays for econs and chem tutorial and study for them.... Now that the H1N1 epidemic is kind off settled... it is the start of H1 H2 subjects... sigh~
P.s: speaking about flash, i still have no clue on fixing the flash player error on my com lol
P.s: speaking about flash, i still have no clue on fixing the flash player error on my com lol
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The fk irrational childish things that they fking hell do, you know how much time and effort it causes? The mental stress? All for NOTHING... wow they just don't get it do they... life is freaking easy... its only difficult if you can't reason or dont have logic. "Apparantly common sense isnt so common after all"
what tomorrow brings...
burnt, totally burnt, what after the lack of sleep test and homeworks and especially after chess today. Words of wisdom: Never ever underestimate pawns.... My brain feels like some shrivelled up piece of ****. Lost a game and drew the next. I hate those tiny little mistakes that "doesnt seem to count" but comes back to haunt you and impacts the entire game later on. The most retarded thing happened today: I received a service message from singtel, telling me that if if i send out 10 sms today i will get 30 free. After every message i sent out, i got another service msg similar to the last which was counting down. Upon sending out the last sms to get the free ones.... I got totally PAWNED as my phone ran out of balance EPIC PHAIL! Econs test was fine apart from 1 screwed diagram. Tomorrow's 10 hours of school is just going to suck especially with chem.(which i havent done alot... and not in the least motivated wth ms chew) Probably going to roy's house sometime in the weekend for project work i cant wait to see and have fun with his cats!!!=D They are so cute =D I know what tomorrow is going to bring and honestly if not for my friends, its going to suck BALLS
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Thx xin hao! got my psp patched and updated liao=D Pw is seriously one of the worst shit on earth zzz wonder when i will sleep tonight... esp with dw lol!
Shaun's brilliant idea : you got so much shit to say just stuff them on a blog la!. so here i am haha=D Well didnt get off on too good a start today, dad fetched me to school and lectured me all the way... and i got the school super early to do my chem prac!!=D only to find out i didnt bring it... dead tired today, slept for a bit during bio and finally got over with napha=D slept during the bloody gp... this teacher plain sucks TT if only we got mr goh back.. her very voive irritates me. played bleach heat the soul 6 with jing en, cannot fool arnd de haha he's pretty good=D stayed back for a while with the best slacker pw group arnd to talk cock=D time so fix up my DW reccommended to me by xin hao and maybe play some l4d or sth=D
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