Wednesday, May 20, 2009

what tomorrow brings...

burnt, totally burnt, what after the lack of sleep test and homeworks and especially after chess today. Words of wisdom: Never ever underestimate pawns.... My brain feels like some shrivelled up piece of ****. Lost a game and drew the next. I hate those tiny little mistakes that "doesnt seem to count" but comes back to haunt you and impacts the entire game later on. The most retarded thing happened today: I received a service message from singtel, telling me that if if i send out 10 sms today i will get 30 free. After every message i sent out, i got another service msg similar to the last which was counting down. Upon sending out the last sms to get the free ones.... I got totally PAWNED as my phone ran out of balance EPIC PHAIL! Econs test was fine apart from 1 screwed diagram. Tomorrow's 10 hours of school is just going to suck especially with chem.(which i havent done alot... and not in the least motivated wth ms chew) Probably going to roy's house sometime in the weekend for project work i cant wait to see and have fun with his cats!!!=D They are so cute =D I know what tomorrow is going to bring and honestly if not for my friends, its going to suck BALLS

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