Monday, November 30, 2009


Going to work tmr. wonder if it will be like last time or what. sure seems alot like it.
Wth is wrong with you. Now i totally understand why dad simply cannot stand thattype of things. Dont do it for nothing or at least when you do it, DO IT FUCKING RIGHT

Friday, November 27, 2009


The wheel weaves as the wheel wills, when it wills. The spinning of the wheel of time waits for no man and sometimes, the wheel weaves out what we need even before we know we need them. Its just so nice to be easy/ or be arnd people who are, but its not that simple for me as there is only a certain amount i can go. Especially when right at the first moment they are compared with my checklist..


Writing a fiction book is such a fun thing. Thx so much for helping me out in this iz !The ideas flow like crazy but it is so hard to catch the right one. The phrasing is yet going to be another big problem. I personally feel that the book should flow naturally. Good descriptions are one thing but it is also how you do it. It must be the perfect description yet not seem so perfect that it jarrs reading. Robert Jordan, the author of the Wheel Of Time, is an expert on it
" It doesnt have to make sense, As long as it sounds good and all its fine"
--- Isaac Poh

Thursday, November 26, 2009


What are people really looking for? What is it that draws? the inescapable link

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Talking Cock

Went down to sims avenue that ulu place for job interview. hopefully i get the job. Crapped my way through
Its amazing how something simple like a simple dinner and talking nonsense can be so... fulfiling? enjoyable? i dont know the word , maybe peaceful.
Still cant get over fengs insult about starwars with star trek being better and the ultimate crap about fishing=.=

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Sitting down at my com eating the what was supposed to stay the same yeo's curry....
Went back to acsi today since i had nth very much to do, same old...
The pattern also more or less the same..
With these "insignificant changes".
That makes all the difference

Monday, November 23, 2009


I guess its about time i start leaving my sanguo album at home. at least for the next few days.And NU/ V-13 JUST FUCK OFF BITCH!
Happy birthday dad=) had a good time at lunch and with you in the car today=)

Sympathise.... Empathise

Guess i am going to kofmira style my blazblue till work comes. before, i could sympathise with feng. now i can so totally empathise TT . except his has been prolonged. Oh gosh this certainly sucks. no wait, it sucks balls.
4th time? nah its past 12

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Went out on my own cause there was just simply nothing to do( Besides watching crappy quality new moon online which i got bored after a while due to video discrepencies). Been quite a while since i last been to the arcade by myself and all. Having my HP down is such a disaster, makes one realise the reliance on it. To prove the point, all the payphones in suntec got removed as well. Why dont they just leave some, its not like no one uses them, although less people use them now, i still see people who might need them(me jkjk). Horrible time trying to contact people. Planned to ram blazeblue and improve my mastery. So glad to see they have finally turned the volume up=) made it so much more enjoyable. Did not get around to playing rachel and only played noel due to challenges and an unexpected call to go down to plaza(which turned out only to lead me overspending for nothing). got sianz so ended up sangoing. got a 3.0 SR( sun jian). Was thoughroughly enjoying myself till this idoitic over helpful guy came along. which was still fine when i was playing my 4 card deck.( AS HE WAS ONLY TALKING) Then things took a horrible turn when i started using zou deck. THAT ASS who i guess was just being overly helpful ( in the sense he does not try to monopolise things like the amk guy) started helping me move cards about. However, as i had plans that he was unaware off, we disagreed like crazy and also he messed up wherei thought my cards were.He even helped me fk a critical moment up=.= ZOU deck is so hard to control already, let alone getting your cards displaced and you now totally dunno wtf everything is. Moved on to time crisis 4 then after, and was thinking abt that stupid over helpful guy and maically, mystically DIED at the 2 screen battle and the following 3 screen battle to come during solo play. now i have never died there before and i was totally WTF. at least that last life sustained till the end. Only to get 11th place agn (Monthy python chord plays) with some 3.9 mil points, only to find out that the following 10th place is 7.9 mil .... decided to go and get at least a game of rachel alucard only to realise it already was 10: 30 and went home instead.
blogging 3 times a day? this is so not normal
Guess i should get on with my book. Its going to be mish mash but Good mish mash

Broken Reel

Its times like this and such that i really wish that things can revert back... back to the "olden times"
At that little spot fishing even if nothing is caught...
Snapped rods, spoilt rods...
From the last time the "harbringer was about"
guess all thats left is this broken reel i am playing with now


Had a dream about dota..... obviously from all the dragging i have been facing and... the next part of it was with regards to fishing! Oh gosh i nearly forgot the joy of fishing after not going so long !!! i must go at least once this holidays !

on a second note, some ppl are juz plain stupid

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Weaving the Weaves

The threads have most certainly fallen into place and i wonder what saidin wrought channeling will appear! The wheel weaves as the wheel wills, let the dragon ride free on the winds of time!

Woke up at some unholy hour to go to the airport to meet and fetch my new friend wesley phay only to be scammed!=P FOR THAT I LOSE=). Ended up in his house which was kinda weird at first till things broke up more then after. Went to AFA then after where the office politics was not so pronounced, AFA was okok thank gdness i didnt buy 2 days. And now we got 2 ppl who betrayed themselves and only one that stayed true ! to the expense of the other 2 =P jkjk. now to deal with yet another broke feng=). Ended up playing lan agn which turned out to be pretty fun and all haha=) sanguoed a little with HFS XD b4 and a game of blazblue b4 going back.Thx so much ppl for the great day! and dont worry blazerknight, u are gonna get the wheel of time=)


so many threads! yet only one seems to be weaved into the pattern for a long time. yet another thread is about to be weaved into the pattern and it juz might be that this one is taveren

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Bring it on ! looks like a lesson not learnt after all! try it again! on another hand, seems like alot of things are pointless and dont really matter especially when you dont enjoy it. same things, different circumstances,time and time again. "i'll bend space" and time too. with my phone temporarily out of service doesnt help either. and 挑発 just sounds too close to xxtuborsxx

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Guess most of everyone is about the same, with afew adjustments here and there. What matter more is the amount one can give and take and accept here and there and the time frame too.Wonder what the next period of time will hold.
"Whom do you bring with you?"
"One who comes as a candidate for Acceptance"
"Is he/she ready?"
"He/she is ready to leave behind what she was, abd, passing through her fers, gain acceptance"
"Does she knows her fears?"
"She has never faced them, but is now willing"
"Then let her face what she fears"
"The first time is for what was.The way will come but once, Be steadfast."
"You are washed clean of what sin you may have doneand of those done against you. You are washed clean of what crime you may have commited, and those done against you. You come to us washed clean, and pure, in heart and soul"
" It was so real, was it real?"
"no one knows.."
" The second time is for what is. The way will come but once, be steadfast"
" You are washed clean of false pride. You are washed clean of false ambition. You come to us washed clean in heart and soul."
" Tell ME it wa not real, TELL ME"
"Bad? It is always worse and the third one worst of all"
" The third time is for what will be, the way will come but once, be steadfast."
" Child, almost everyone who does this say much the same thing, it is no small thing to be made to face your fears"
" You are washed clean of ______ from ____. You are washed clean of all ties that bind you to the world. You come to us washed clean in heart and soul. You are _______ Accepted of ________. You are sealed to us now."

What it means to be accepted.


the feeling of being sick juz plain sucks. oh well, from tomorrow, you might come to expect emo posts of doom due to elieen coming back for the next 3 months. HOORAY=.=

Monday, November 16, 2009


It is good to know that there are people where you can really talk things seriously or tell out. but what if that seriousness and that mood/ attitude remains all the time and creates stress such that itsactually hard forno reason? easy going as opposed to ........................

Sunday, November 15, 2009


One of the main causes of nonsense now a days, all want face value and refuseto acceptrealities resulting in so much tension. You can so feel it! but then agn WHO WILL GUARD THE GUARDS??
am i crossing the border of betraying myself?

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Seems like there are many weak taveren all over. Well at least there is still the balance haha

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Magically mystically got my ic card lost agn. thats just cursed. at least i got promoted to J2. JYJY Wayne! Found my anti huang pu song deck. Recently been tiring myself out, hopefully the other half is still at most at iron and not sth like cuendillar..

What a Joke!

That was sad, just sad to the extent of lame. try harder nxt time=.=

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mad World

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world mad world

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world ... world
Enlarge your world
Mad world

If not for them i so totally agree.... what mad twisting of fate this really is. Flaws in the pattern?
Went to school all nervous for pw oral presentation assesment, nearly threw my breakfast up. Felt that i have done OP reasonably well, most of everything went fine. Stayed to wait for XH so that we could go and have lunch together. turned out my luck is so fked that we ended up running into ttwl in the corridor who effectively proceeded to cause more stress and waste everyone's time, srsly just fuck off la.anywayz went off to jurong point where things turned out all weirdly and in a way for the better. Watched CBL play sango for a peroid of time before meeting iz. turned out that i was asked to go to his house instead. rammed sango for a while and was finally lucky enough to strike a 3.1 LE. Managed to forget a large part of the ttwl nonsense while i was there. thx iz ! hope this nonsense will soon end.
Sorry with these quotes i dont mean to offend, its just weirdly true at times haha=)
" Women, are like mules, wait, no goats. Women are like goats, except every flaming one thinks she's a horse instead, and a prize racing mare to boot"
"Reasoning with awoman is impossible, its like..... Well, reasoning with a woman is like sitting down to a friendly game of dice. Only the woman refuses to acknowledge the basic bloody rules of the game. A man, he'll cheat you - but he'll do it honestly. He'll use loaded dice, so you think you are losing by chance. And if you aren't clever to spot what he's doing, then mabe he deserves to take your coin. And thats that."
" A woman , though, she'll sit down to that same game and she'll smile, and act like she's going to play. Only when its her turn to throw, she'll toss a pair of her own dice that are blank on all six sides. Not a single pip showing.She'll inspect her throw, then she'll look up at you and say, 'clearly i just won'"
"Now you'll scratch your head and look at the dice. Then you'll look up at her, then down at the dice again.'but there aren't any pips on these dice' you'll say "
"yes there are she'll say. and both dice rolled a one"
" thats exactly the number you need to win, you'll say"
"What a coincidence, she'll reply, then begin to scoop up your coins. And you'll sit there, trying to wrap your head about what just happened. And you'll realise something. A pair of ones isn't the winning throw! Not when you threw a six on your turn. That means she needed a pair of twos instead! Excitedly, you'll explain what you've discovered. Only then you know what she'll do?"
" then she will reach over, and rub the blank faces of her dice. And then, with a perfectly straight face, she will say , i am sorry. there was spots of dirt on the dice. Clearly you can see that they actually came up as twos! and she'll belive it. She'll bloody believe it!"
" Only thats not the end of it"
" She scoops up all of your coins, and then every other woman in the room will come over to congratulate her on throwing that pair of twoa! The more you complain, the more of those bloody women will join the argument. you will be outnumbered in a moment and each of those women will explain to you how those dice clearly read twos, and how you really need to stop behaving like a child. Every flaming one of them will see twos ! Even the prudish woman who has hated your woman frrom birth- since your womans granny stole the other woman's honeycake recipe when they were both maids- that woman will side against you"
" by the time they are done, you will be left with no coin, several lists worth of errands to run and what clothing to wear and a splitting headache. You will sit there and stare at the table and begin to wonder, just maybe, if those dice didnt read twos after all. IF only to preserve what's left of your sanity. That's what it's like to reason with a woman , i tell you"

Quoted , Matrim Cauthon/Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson

Sunday, November 8, 2009

1 last step

the last one step left. Reversal of thewheel of fortune haha

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Breaking point

Stacking up alrd piling up.Soon... very soon

Wheel of Fortune?

Spent much of the day doing horrible pw, didnt see roy's cat at all though 4 some reason. Roy was so fierce today totally owning everything wayne said. deadish sort of day though. the wheel of time turns and ages come and go.... in the current age an age long past, an age yet to come. wash rinse and repeat. fate works in such funny ways


FK YOU TTWL, FK YOU CPF, FK YOU HUANG BUAY SONG AND FK YOU XIAN DI. 1st half of my day was disastriously ruined today. Also had a first hand experience with dealing with hfs and xd. hope that little prob with cpf can be solved soon. i wonder if i have started down the "hard" path too. Regret not using tai shi ci b4 it got nerfed
yet another thread is woven into the patten, will it be a main part?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Flys and Bazookas

WHY??? WTF IS ALL OF YOUR BLOODY PROBLEMS. why such a bloody big fuss all over nothing? DONT YOU KNOW WHAT PEACE IS? PLEASE stop killing fucking flys with bazookas. At least there is a mutant strain of genourmous flys. PLEASE DONT CONVINCE ME THEY ARE ALL THE SAME


great... now i have really gone ahead and done it. how wonderfully brilliant


After the excitement and anticipation wanes away, one certainly gets tired. An emptiness is also created and one needs something to go after too. the worst is not being able to sleep even when tired=.=

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wheel of Time

The Wheel of Time turns,
And ages come and go.
What was, what will be,
and what is may yet fall
under the shadow.

Let the dragon ride again
on the winds of time

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So easy to go from iron to steel to cuendillar, all it takes is a little breaking... indeed ignorance is bliss but that ignorance can so easily kill so many people. The biggest misconception that cuendillar is hard and not strong..... then again i cant decide which is worse hard or soft

On a second note it came to me as a shock the Verin Aes Sedai is from the black ajah and not the brown! but she truly was brown and pure down to the end amongst other things. Finally got my hands on book 12 of the wheel of time. though there are some changes to style here and there, this truly is robert jordan's work=)