Sunday, November 22, 2009


Went out on my own cause there was just simply nothing to do( Besides watching crappy quality new moon online which i got bored after a while due to video discrepencies). Been quite a while since i last been to the arcade by myself and all. Having my HP down is such a disaster, makes one realise the reliance on it. To prove the point, all the payphones in suntec got removed as well. Why dont they just leave some, its not like no one uses them, although less people use them now, i still see people who might need them(me jkjk). Horrible time trying to contact people. Planned to ram blazeblue and improve my mastery. So glad to see they have finally turned the volume up=) made it so much more enjoyable. Did not get around to playing rachel and only played noel due to challenges and an unexpected call to go down to plaza(which turned out only to lead me overspending for nothing). got sianz so ended up sangoing. got a 3.0 SR( sun jian). Was thoughroughly enjoying myself till this idoitic over helpful guy came along. which was still fine when i was playing my 4 card deck.( AS HE WAS ONLY TALKING) Then things took a horrible turn when i started using zou deck. THAT ASS who i guess was just being overly helpful ( in the sense he does not try to monopolise things like the amk guy) started helping me move cards about. However, as i had plans that he was unaware off, we disagreed like crazy and also he messed up wherei thought my cards were.He even helped me fk a critical moment up=.= ZOU deck is so hard to control already, let alone getting your cards displaced and you now totally dunno wtf everything is. Moved on to time crisis 4 then after, and was thinking abt that stupid over helpful guy and maically, mystically DIED at the 2 screen battle and the following 3 screen battle to come during solo play. now i have never died there before and i was totally WTF. at least that last life sustained till the end. Only to get 11th place agn (Monthy python chord plays) with some 3.9 mil points, only to find out that the following 10th place is 7.9 mil .... decided to go and get at least a game of rachel alucard only to realise it already was 10: 30 and went home instead.
blogging 3 times a day? this is so not normal
Guess i should get on with my book. Its going to be mish mash but Good mish mash

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